Do you want to travel by train? A Train Journey is Enchanting and Enthralling. Train journeys are as fascinating as ever. They are an adventure in itself. It isn’t always necessary to obnoxiously travel via flight. The train has an essence of its own, a feel of its own. It is something you shouldn’t be missing out on. Travel by train comes with its own set of benefits too.
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Why travel by train
First, you save a lot of money by travelling via train. You can use the same money for an extra adventure or for some extra drinks. You could also be staying in an extra luxurious hotel for all you know. Thus, train travel is economical too.

Stable Prices!
Moreover, train prices don’t fluctuate and hence, you can delay your journey as much as you want. It will cause you no harm in financial terms. It might harm you a bit otherwise if you were doing the same thing whilst keeping a plane ticket in mind. Moreover, the train fare for both sides is the same whereas an airplane’s one-way ticket is far more costly than a return ticket. Thus, one can see that the train is definitely the better and wiser medium of travel. One cannot but help enjoy the numerous benefits that the train journey shall levy upon us.
Last Moment Decisions
If you are going on a short trip, you can simply hop on to one of the trains at the last moment. You don’t really have to have an advance booking unless you are going to have an overnight journey. Even if you miss one train, you will find another one going that route pretty soon. Hence, hop on the train to your destination and have a good time. Trains are an experience that you ought to live and feel. Nothing feels better than a train journey at the last moment and no matter how difficult your journey is, you shall cherish it in the end.
Baggage Lies with you
What’s more, when you travel by train, you have all your baggage with you, but the same cannot be said of a flight. Thus, your book, your clothes, your iPod, your favourite shoes are all around you and all you have to do is, unzip your bag to get it. Moreover, you have a whole lot of space around your seat to store your luggage and hence, you don’t have to bother about anything at all. You shall be good to go with a spacious berth and enough storage space around you.
Arrive at any time
Oh! Lastly and more importantly, you can show up 2 minutes before the train is scheduled for departure and still get into it. This hardly ever happens in the case of flights. As long as the train hasn’t left the platform you can still catch it. However, the flight shall fly off without you.
Thus, if you haven’t experienced the excitement of a train journey yet, then you should very well go ahead and do it. For, it is going to be well worth it.